Our mission is to make chaotic messaging simple

IM+ works for freelancers, startups, and companies of all sizes who want to unify their messaging experience. Messaging should take in one place, no matter where your friends, colleagues, or customers are.
IM+ all in one messenger
Founded in 2002
Original messaging aggregator
Over 40 million installs

Messaging is more diversified than ever

Today there are dozens of popular messaging clients, making the landscape more fragmented ever. While some messengers focus on simple messaging, others focus on privacy, fun ephemeral content, particular niches like work, or video conferencing.

This means, we end up spending sometimes many hours every day in messaging apps. At IM+ we believe this experience can be unified, bringing it all together under a beautiful roof.

Simple design removes complexity

IM+ all in one instant messaging

Easy isn’t always easy.

When we’re trying to make messaging radically simpler, we think about tens of different aspects from intuitiveness, to security, CPU load, speed, battery efficiency, and overall performance.

Next generation Messaging with Bitcoin rewards

Messaging services monetize themselves by showings ads. We believe this to be a viable business model, yet why not pay users for attention spent on short ads. The best way to do this at scale, is to use Bitcoin.

We might occasionally show privacy respecting ads. In return of spending time on IM+, users get Bitcoin. This is powered by the sMiles Lightning Backend, which enables us to reward and incentivize users with Bitcoin.